AGV - Solve with Science
Green Solutions & Sustainability
At AGV, we dedicate significant effort to staying at the forefront of sustainable practices and trends in remediation techniques. This is with the purpose of promoting a sustainable culture and offering comprehensive solutions capable of generating a positive impact on the environment, human health, and the progress of both public and private organizations.
Solid Waste, Recycling, and Sustainability – Waste Management
The team initiated the Waste Management Solid Waste Management and Recycling Plan designed to minimize landfill disposal and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Water Use, Conservation, and Sustainability – Metropolitan Transportation Authority
The team reviewed the Metro Water Action Plan to assess the overall initiatives and procedures for the reduction and conservation of water use throughout Metro facilities.
Solid Waste, Recycling, and Sustainability
The team initiated the Metro Solid Waste Management and Recycling Plan designed to minimize landfill disposal and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The team members.
Environmental Site Manager – Waste Management and Recycling
As the Environmental Site Manager during the redevelopment projects around LAX including Taxilane S, TBIT expansion, Manchester Square, and American Airlines Lowbay Hangar.